Monday, September 14, 2009

Why Is Internet marketing effective?

Internet is the one medium, which can be used to reach every city and every country over the globe.

It means businesses do not just have to concentrate on local markets - nothing is impossible. If a business has a web site, this in itself means it is accessible by the global market and domestic market alike, and it is vital that businesses take advantage of this.

Besides, Internet is a very cost effective medium for not only new businesses but also existing ones. It offers excellent convenience to the prospective customer. An added advantage of having a website is that a company can rope in customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The only effective way for small and medium sized businesses to market globally as well as domestically is via the Internet, and it is important that they do this effectively. Normal media advertising and promotion (such as through the press, radio and local promotions) cannot reach so many remote visitors as marketing on the Internet can. If done correctly, the sky can be the limit.

Not surprisingly, marketing has in recent times taken on a completely new media avenue, which has more power and effect than any of the traditional marketing avenues. This new avenue, which cannot be ignored in the 21st century, is the Internet. Internet marketing has become the way of the future, with successful businesses using it to advertise, promote, sell, place commercials and undertake public relations.

According to a research study conducted during December 2002 by Aberdeen, consumers purchased more than $4.5 billion in goods and services online — $1 billion more than the same period in 2001.

Interestingly, many studies conducted indicate that corporate America continues to disregard problems plaguing its collective Web presence. Brand switching is easier than ever before, and companies that ignore signs suggesting that the online channel is quickly becoming the channel of choice, especially among younger consumers who will constitute the markets of tomorrow are placing their brand equity at risk.

Internet Marketing is a progression of steps for qualifying a prospect by capitalizing on the power of the web. To create an Internet presence that will become a company’s most effective sales tool with consulting services, making sensible investments in Internet marketing such as Search Engine

Optimization and Marketing, Webcasts, Email Campaigns, ROI tracking and measurement and other forms of promotion is essential.

Why businesses need to know how to market your products or services leveraging the power of the Internet?

The numbers of new Internet businesses starting each year globally and specifically in the U.S. create a sizeable market. Often, an entrepreneur starts such a business with a solid idea for selling through the web, but little experience in creating the formal web promotion strategies or marketing deliverables necessary to turn their idea into a successful business. With recent IPOs giving back much of their initial valuation, companies are now being forced to demonstrate profitable business models in order to maintain strong valuations. Venture capitalists need to focus on making their existing companies successful instead of simply prospecting for the next great idea.

To accomplish this, founders need to effectively define and communicate their value propositions. Since this is not a core competency for many entrepreneurs, there is an opportunity to provide this skill set through outsourcing arrangements.

Additionally, founders need experience in Internet marketing to exploit market opportunities and create early revenue wins.

The benefits that the Internet offers to the world of business and commerce are numerous both in terms of the reach it offers to take your message beyond the confines of your geography as well as the efficiencies that if brings to transactions through speed and reduced costs. In order to use this potential to advantage, you have to attract visitors to your site and tell them about your offering and you have to spur them to action. You have to engage their attention and convert these leads to prospects.

A whole new science has emerged defining the rules and practices of promoting your online presence, generating leads and converting them to prospects.

There are just too many vying for the visitors’ attention and the market is flooded with tips and techniques of bringing visitors to your site.

Several large players can afford to appoint marketing specialists in the Internet media and can lay down budgets running into several hundred thousand dollars each. It is the small and the medium sized enterprise that is looking for cost effective solutions.

Individual efforts are just too costly and the landscape is ever changing. You could use the services of professionals who have the experience and the insight about what strategies fit what business needs. Or you could do it yourself. If you do not have money to burn and you are willing to learn various techniques, you could do a great job of promoting your site. After all, selecting the right professional, laying down the scope of work, setting metrics to determine if the services have led to commensurate results and setting an optimum price for the services are complex matters. They do not some easy, and more often than not, you rush into things and regret your move later on.

Let us see how a professional marketing consultant in the area of Internet marketing presents their services.

This gives you an insight into the professional way of marketing online.


If a small enterprise wants to promote its online business or message, it can spend weeks trying to understand the techniques and then experiment with them. Do you just submit to specific search engines or go for pay per click advertising? Do you go for e-mail campaigns using opt-in lists or do you go for affiliate marketing?

Where do you get relevant and genuine opt-in subscribers? Should you stuff your site with keywords?

Even if you do manage to bring visitors, how do you ensure it impacts bottom line? How do you convert visitors to profits? Does anyone in the enterprise have the time to read and analyze options and follow them up logically to bring measurable results?

ABC has invested extensive resources in developing a well-honed marketing and promotion methodology. This methodology is intended to systematize the mechanics of assessing the customer’s business objectives and current web presence and evolving and implementing strategies to elevate their effectiveness over the web to a new level. The entire process has been laid out in a series of analytical and action steps that are well documented.

The Company has many trained specialists in this methodology. When they have to devise a road map for the customer, they – with the process template in hand – lay out the current practices adopted by the customer. They establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and gain agreement on baseline levels. Then the specialists perform a thorough evaluation to redesign the strategy.

New and improved KPIs are developed and a first-cut business case is prepared. The customer is handed a comprehensive and detailed proposal.

ABC can thus help move the customer’s organization from comparative advantage to competitive advantage.


This is your role model, when you are out there trying to achieve it by yourself.

Internet has become a major medium for businesses.

Recent studies indicate that worldwide ecommerce will generate $2.6 trillion in revenue by 2004 -- a rise from $280 billion in 2000. IDC predicts that by that time, $1.2 trillion of B2B revenue will come from e-marketplaces.

Gartner Inc. forecasts that the worldwide Internet commerce market should total $919 billion in 2001 $1.9 trillion in 2002 and $8.5 trillion in 2005. Gartner also reports that in 2000, the value of global B2B sales transactions was over $433 billion, a 189% increase over 1999 figures. but this is 2009, those figures would have increased in 100%.

Considering such staggering figures, it is absolutely vital for smaller and midsize companies to not only have a presence on the Internet but also to attract customers to their websites by employing proven strategies.

The need for Internet marketing services is rising enormously.

The effectiveness of online advertising and marketing is being recognized by more and more businesses.

The total online advertising market in the US has been projected to be between $ 6.4 and $8.7 billion in 2002, according to research figures put out by e-Marketer and Gartner Dataquest respectively.



Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So Many Info Products. How Do I Get Noticed?

Lastly, before we get into the specifics of actually writing the product itself, I want to write a little
specifically for those of you out there that have decided to write a report of some sort related to online
marketing. Now, surely there's so many info products out there now, you're wondering how you're
going to get yours to be noticed.
Let me tell you something, you can still get your info product out there and connect with the market.
Just because there's a load out there, that doesn't make them all good. It doesn't make them all original,
inspirational, or even useful in the slightest. So why are people still buying online marketing info
products if they're any good?
It's simple. I can tell you now there are four different types of people reading these reports. The first
type can't be bothered, and has likely already sent me an e-mail telling me there's too much for them to
read and they don't have the time for it. Or they'll mail me and say something along the lines of they've
heard this before, or they know everything already and how much I suck. These people will go away
having gained nothing from these reports, and once again commence their search for the quick and easy
answer to getting rich overnight buying the next newest and latest info product.
The second type are the people that are going to read the reports in full, get excited about how much
money they're going to make with their newfound knowledge, and then disappear when the course is
complete and not ever actually put anything into practice, and wonder why they haven't got anywhere.
They'll put it down to the quality of the site, decide it's not them that's doing something wrong, and also
join group one going on their way to find the latest and greatest info product that'll make them rich
The third type are the people I have all the time for in the world. These people are here, they know
what they've got themselves into, they're willing to read, listen, learn and pick up information that's
going to be useful to their business. They're going to go away, follow the instructions, take into account
the tips and tactics put forward here, and set up their businesses. They're going to look good, they're
going to feel good, and hopefully they're going to make a whole load of cash and contacts on the way.
Will they still buy info products? They sure will. If a new tactic arises that sounds juicy they'll jump on
it because they want to get in early and be the success stories out of the crowd. Something to give them
the edge over the other crowd of people pushing products out there.
The fourth and final group are the people that are successful already. You know, I guarantee you there’s
someone reading these reports now, not because they want more info, or they want to learn, but because
they want to be inspired and juiced up a little. I do this one all the time too. Do I need to buy other
peoples stuff to learn everything that I've learned all over again from personal experience? No, but I do,
because I like to be inspired, and see things from other peoples point of view, learn even more to be
even more successful, and spot things that might not have occurred to me if I ignored everyone else and
decided that I know it all, which although is a nice fantasy, it’s just not the case.
So you see, if you're creating an online marketing based info product, don't be having doubts. If that
really is your calling, and you're going to enjoy it, and you can provide truthful and useful information,
go for it. Just because there's a load of them out there already, from the patterns I see, I can tell you that
they're going to be around, and selling shed-loads for a long time to come, even to those who have
already made it with their business.
Alright, now we've got the basics sorted out and presented to you nicely, you should feel more than
ready to get cracking and writing an info product. Remember, even if you're not going to be selling this
as your main product, whether it's going to be an up-sell, of even just a short report of any kind, you
gotta get this down. There's a lot of writing involved in marketing, and it's nice to know how to do this
effectively and how to get people to listen to you, whether it's a short free viral report, or a fully fledged
audio video training guide that you're going to sell for six hundred dollars, the rules in this section still


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Avoidable errors when promoting your affiliate program

A few avoidable errors when promoting your affiliate program

In this article, I have listed a quick and easy bulleted list of does and do not’s when trying to promote your affiliate program.

Many affiliate marketers make a huge mistake of posting their ads on forums. Forums can be used to promote your affiliate programs and your website but in a proper manner. Posting banners is very similar to spamming and may easily upset forum administrators.

Always do your research before promoting your affiliate program to a potential customer. Do not offer affiliate programs to visitors who are not at all interested in the products associated with the program. This is a futile endeavor.

If you promote affiliate programs offered by other merchants, ensure that you develop your own advertising copy. Many websites commit a common mistake of using the same advertising copy as used by the merchant themselves.

Avoid Copyright infringement in all cases. Always use original content or ask permission to use graphic images or text found on other websites.

Do not submit your programs to free websites. These may be free but your programs would hardly ever be noticed, especially by Search Engines. Moreover, your own ranking would get lowered if you submit your affiliate programs to such websites.

Avoid using caps on your web page or email ad. Using caps is symbolic to shouting, which never goes well with potential customers. A few words may be written in capital text to give them additional emphasis. However, such practice should be limited.

Always respond to all queries sent by visitors as soon as possible. A slight delay in your response could easily result in loss of a potential client.

Do not use pop-up ads along with your webpage. Most surfers are likely to close their browser if they come across pop-ups.

Do not host your website on a free server or use free email accounts. This gives a negative impression to visitors. Using free hosts and email accounts looks cheesy and loses sales.

Many websites do not have an opt-in list. Create an opt-in and opt-out list for your visitors. Without these, there is no way of tracking potential customers. Visitors should be allowed to opt-in at any time as well as opt-out at any time.

Most sites have a poor tracking mechanism. It is essential that you track all business activities. Accurate record keeping is crucial. There are many software tools, discussed earlier in this chapter, than can automate your record keeping process with minimal error.

A 'mall' site is best used as a central hub to send visitors to your other domains. As a main or only site, unfocused mall sites don't get traffic from the engines, and they don't convert well to sales. Highly focused theme sites attract traffic and sales.

Offline advertising may not be effective. A lot of money and effort should not be wasted on offline advertising. Most people rarely check websites that are advertised in local magazines or newspapers.

Avoid focus on animated banner ads. These simply use up bandwidth, thus making web pages load slower.

While advertising do not degrade other competitors. It is recommended that you highlight your products’ uniqueness and superiority but never mortify other products.

Banners or text links that expire are guaranteed to eventually send your visitor to a broken link or show a broken graphic on your page. Time sensitive advertising is best used only in email advertising campaigns.

Never put affiliate links on your homepage. This is similar to asking your visitors to leave immediately. Give them a chance to browse, sign up for your newsletter and decide that they'd like to come back to your place before introducing them to your affiliates.

Technology changes with amazing speed. To keep up with this rapidly evolving industry, you must invest time and money in research. The investment is a tax write-off, and will pay you back many times over in additional revenue.

Hopefully this list has proven helpful to you and has shown you some red flags to avoid when it comes time to promote your own affiliate site. Good luck and take care.

Gbenga Kusimo Benjamin

Friday, August 28, 2009

Evaluating Your Ideas

Dear friend,
Alright, hopefully, if you've been away since the last report and taken everything into account, you'll
find already that ideas are starting to flow. Granted they may be a little crazy, you may not think they're
viable right now, but either way, it's kind of like writing. It's hard to start, but once you settle into this
idea of bringing new concepts to the front of your mind and exploring them, you'll see that things will
become possible and you'll never run out of ideas for new products.
Don't underestimate this. You've done a very powerful thing already. You've now got the ability to
create products of your own. Like we said earlier, the number one reason for not starting up a business
of their own, taken from the people that I asked, friends, family and associates alike is they wouldn't
know what to sell. Not only that, but judging by some of the products I've seen out there, even people
that have taken steps to starting up their own business don't know what they want to sell. You now do,
and that's a big step.
Before we move on to the next subject in line, I want to do one more short section about product
creation. As important as the last, you'll learn how to decipher whether or not your products are fit to
sell in relation to the market and the people that will be buying from you, and a personal perspective.
Very important if you don't want to spend a shed load of cash on a project, only to find out half way
through that it isn't going to work.
Remember in the previous section, we created your new in concept folder and I advised you write
everything down? Now you've got some ideas down, no matter how odd they might seem to be, lets
look at the reasons for this, and an example of me making a huge mistake in not taking this advice back
in the early days of my marketing.
your millions lies in your ideas, evaluate them to see the real cash.

gbenga kusimo

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Dear friend, here some some key notes on information maketting........... please i beg you, dont joke with it.

● This is one of the most important sections, if you're going to succeed. We need to get your creative
juices flowing right now allowing you to pull together ideas that will turn into full scale, viable,
sellable and profitable products.
● Don't underestimate this, once you have this down, you'll find yourself with a never ending flow of
ideas and products to develop far into the future; your only tools being your mind, and a blank piece of
● The number one reaction when I suggest someone starts his or her own business, is “but I don't have
anything to sell” or “I don't know what to sell”. Lets set the wheel in motion and begin to solve this
problem right now.
● If you're thinking that you lack imagination, or that you don't have the ideas or the experience to
create your own products, remember this, everyone that came before you, and everyone that will come
after you will always create their first product with no experience what so ever. You can do this too and
it'll make you more money than any flutter or big investment on leads or purchased ads or anything like
that will.
● Lets also look at the second important aspect of product creation. Taking old ideas or previously non
viable ideas and turning them into something sellable, something solid, reliable and profitable, all from
something that looked like a dead loss or impossible just a few months ago.
● Two important points before we get started. One, this will get progressively easier as you go along.
Two I'd like you to make a point of not worrying about how many ideas you come up with, or the
quality of your ideas, or time limits, and any other constraints. We need to throw all this out of the
window right now. Times and deadlines don't exist all there is, is you, your mind, and this report
getting your full concentration.
● The longer that you spend within your target market, and looking at other peoples products, the more
ideas you'll be able to generate, because you'll have more knowledge of what people want. So don't
worry about only coming up with a few relating to your target market. After each product launch, your
ideas will grow to such high numbers you won't have enough time to carry each and everyone one of
them out.
● I'll be honest. I’ve been using this method for a long period of time now, maybe four or five years in
total. Things happen all the time. For example, last night I was simply writing the plan for this report
and looking at what I wanted to cover and I had to stop, because ideas kept coming to me over and
over. In the time it took to plan a section, which took no longer than it takes to write a full three pages
of text, I'd come out with no less than five individual new product ideas, some of which you'll see
released when I'm done with the projects I'm working on right now. That's how powerful this is.
● One piece of important advice. Keep everything. Write everything down, every idea, every glimpse
of a new product or service that might work. If you haven't done so already, create an 'In Concept'
folder, and within this every time you get an idea, whether it's viable, good, bad, strange, seemingly
impossible or downright crazy, write it down. You'll see why this is imperative later in this section.
● Lets get some ideas flowing right now by looking at the three main ways to create a product, looking
first at improvement. Looking at the tools that you use that don't do their job adequately.
● A relatively simple concept that doesn't take into account viability to physically create these products
at any stage, and none of these idea pooling stages will, I still need you to write them down, because it's
amazing what they can morph into later.
● Creating products in this way is an automatic reaction for many people and they don't even realize it.
In fact it occurs so often in our everyday lives, and is so obvious this is why I think people miss it.
● Have you ever been using a product or service, and found yourself saying 'this would be so much
easier if X product did Y action'. How about being in a situation and creating something, or carrying
out some task and said to yourself, 'it would be so much easier if I had something that did this for me'?
● A product that family and friends grumble about to you because it doesn't do it's job, or it doesn't do
everything it could to make their life easier. Ever heard people around you making statements or
talking about this? You simply take the product, and add to it. After all you're a person, a potential
customer, so is your family or friend that grumbled about not having the tools to do a job. If someone
wants it, it immediately becomes a viable idea.
● Everyone does this at some point or another through his or her business. Look at that super computer
that you'd like to get your hands on. Yours is ok, why do you want a new one? Because it's better,
because it makes your life easier, solves your problems and does something that previous one didn't.
How about cell phones? The standard brick phones as I call them that we used to use when cell phones
first came about were ok, so why get a new one? Because they're more comfortable, the technology is
advanced, the new ideas and features solve your problems and help you do something you couldn't do
before, or in an easier way, or more quickly.
● Start to look around you, and if you've ever seen an original concept taken by one business, and
majorly improved upon by another business, you can see the effect of this method.
● Don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you to go out and copy everyone, as that would probably get you
into trouble, not to mention have moral issues, but what I am showing you is if it exists, it can be
improved, altered to target a different market, have features added, improved or taken away to provide
an answer for the 'I wish product X did this as well'.
● Practice and experience is going to make this easier, so for the rest of the week, I want you to look at
things in a new light. Don't go looking for things or try and come up with new products, just go about
your daily business, using the tools you normally use and watch out for those thoughts of wishing
something was added, or done differently.
● Ignore the fact that it's not in your target market, ignore any costs or any problems involved with
producing the product, ignore the fact that you're not interested in that market, because when you start
mixing with your own market again and have learned to think this way, things will start to happen
automatically that do relate to your target market.
● Don't dismiss anything. Here's why. Back when I first started online marketing, I had so many ideas
and hopes for the future. I wrote them all down and didn't dismiss them because my current situation
couldn't turn them into reality. Five or six years later, here I am working on two of them. What would
have happened if I'd ditched those ideas? Who knows how many tens of thousands of dollars I wouldn't
have earned by dismissing an idea so early.
● If you've been inspired, and this report has hit you hard and sparked your imagination, go create.
Always have this method in the back of your mind, and take note when you wish something would do
something it doesn't do. When you get an idea, stop, drop everything, don't think, don't dismiss, don't
say but I can't because of -Insert problem here-, just write it down and keep it, otherwise you will
forget, and you will potentially lose tens of thousands of dollars for each and every idea you don't write
down immediately.
● Method 2 is nichyfying. Taking a product, and changing it in such a way that the underlying product
hasn't changed, but it's aimed at a completely different market. This time, rather than improving the
product, you're evolving it.
● Lets look at a real world example. Alcohol is a good one. It used to be all beers and spirits aimed at
the older pub drinkers. Not long ago, the drinks industry started releasing a different kind of alcohol,
the alco-pop. Brightly colored, marketed as fashionable, and sold to a much younger audience, and it
became massively big business, as you can see shelves are stacked full of sweet tasting, vibrant colored
drinks nowadays. It's still alcohol, but it's been taken, evolved (not necessarily improved), nichified and
aimed at a completely different market. Ignoring the ethics of the whole alcohol for youngsters for now,
it's just the example and demonstration we want to look at.
● How about computer processors and computer peripherals? Components are out there that sell very
well that aren't tailored to the mass market, but for developers and high end users only. It’s still the
same peripheral, but it's been both improved and nichified so to speak.
● So you see, niches aren’t all about targeting a smaller market. Especially with the first example, you
can target huge new markets just by changing the way the product is marketed as a whole.
● Method 3 is the most exciting of all, and that's coming up with your own totally one hundred percent
original idea for a product or service. This one still escapes me, but it doesn't mean it has to escape you.
It's the ultimate hardest of the hard, doing a simple search on google so see if it exists already, and
already finding it does isn't such a rare thing.
● It's not unrealistic or irrelevant for me to tell you about this however, because there are of course
people out there that have done it. Pioneers of band new concepts or products. I remember reading an
article on a mother that came up with a brand new and innovative solution for baby feeding. Today it's
being sold all over the world and the idea is all hers, so modern innovation and pioneering creations are
possible, if you end up with one of them, I salute you. Get a patent.
● The fourth and final method of product creation is resell rights. Cheating as I call it. Selling other
peoples stuff as your own. You still get all the power of owning your own product, but it's just not
yours. It’s a shame that most people get this wrong and end up selling 1980's e-books written on cliché
subjects for $5 and expect to get rich. We'll talk about this later in detail, but for now, all I want you to
do is create your own products and come up with all the ideas for yourself, just to prove that you can do
it, over and over again, all the time, whenever you feel like it..............see you later.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


It is no doubt that creativity is the main key of making cool money in information marketing, what I am assaying here is trying to give birth to ideas and turning them into something that's commercially viable, to be sold to people or businesses all
over the world. It's what we do, and just taking this step and creating something that sells, should make
you very proud of yourself indeed. With a limited budget, and a tiny amount of resources, we can still
create something amazing.
The problem is, most people don't know how to do this properly, or effectively. People I meet every day
tell me they wish they could start their own businesses, and even some close friends have come to me
and told me this. My usual reaction is "So if you want to, why don't you?" and aside from the I don't
have enough money replies, the most common thing they say to me is I can't, because I don't know
what to sell.
That's a huge problem in itself. One which I'm going to try and solve for you today, right here, right
now, so much so that you'll have no problem coming up with ideas for new and exciting products that
can viably be sold to a market that either already exists, or one you create for yourself in extreme
circumstances (I’ll show you how later). If that sounds complicated, or you're worried that you don't
have the imagination, or you never get any good ideas, don't be. That's why I'm here, and why I'm
writing. To show you that you don't have to be some super genius that comes up with multi million
dollar ideas on a daily basis to be successful.
Aside from the main problem of not having any ideas, I'm going to show you what to do with old ideas,
how to develop them and change them to suit particular groups of people, and make a good, quality,
solid and reliable product out of something that originally looked like a dead loss. Also, to make things
air tight, so you're totally confident about what you're creating, I'm also going to show you how to spot
the ideas that won't work, before you even hit the planning stages. Your time is valuable; lets not waste
it exploring unreasonable or unproductive opportunities.
Now I'm really hoping that this will inspire you, and all the time you're here reading, be thinking about
what kind of products that you can create. As we go through each point it'll be easier to come up with
ideas. There's also something else I'd like you to not worry about, and that's the amount of ideas you're
going to come up with. If it's just one, great, if it's more, that's great too. Let me tell you though, once
you've launched a product, the ideas flow even more easily, and the longer you spend analyzing and
working within a particular market, the more ideas you'll come up with, some even directly through
trying to overcome problems and any brick walls you may hit whilst developing your own business.
I'll be honest with you, last night I put down the plan for this part of course and what I wanted to cover,
but I had to stop part way through because ideas just kept coming to me. I've got another five products
now that I'm hoping to release within the next two years, not mention the other folders full of concept
ideas that have yet to be developed. The bottom line is I love writing about this stuff, the possibilities
get me excited every time I think about it. I hope it'll do the same for you, so without further delay let
me give you one very important piece of advice to get us started………………. See you later.

gbenga kusimo Benjamin